CREIT Portfolio

Home / CREIT Portfolio


A Path to Wealth Creation

Our CREIT portfolio includes real estate, infrastructure and credit assets in our Qualified Communities.

CREIT Portfolio Snapshot:

Total Asset Value1

Net Asset Value2

Total Properties

Portfolio Square Feet


Net Asset Value

Sept 2019

Inception Date3
Portfolio metrics as of 12/31/24.
Total Base Rent by Multi-Sector Exposure4

As of December 31, 2024
Multi Sector Pie Chart
Total Annualized Base Rent by Credit Mix4

As of December 31, 2024
Q324 Total Annualized Base Rent by Credit Mix webaite

CREIT Portfolio Concentration5

As of December 31, 2024.
map of the united states

50.1% West

35.1% Southwest

12.7% Midwest

2.1% Southeast

0% Northeast




Average Capitalization Rate Yield6

Weighted Average Lease Term

Portfolio metrics as of 12/31/24.

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Important Footnotes + Disclosures
  1. Gross Asset Value (“GAV”) reflects CREIT’s total assets on balance sheet.
  2. Net Asset Value (“NAV”) reflects GAV less liabilities, equivalent to CREIT's total members’ equity on balance sheet.
  3. Inception date for interests in CREIT is September 1, 2019.
  4. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
  5. Percentages in chart representing Total Base Rent by Geography and Credit Mix may not total 100% due to rounding.
  6. Weighted average cap rate reflects underwritten Forward 12 Month Net Operating Income divided by total property carry values.
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